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A More Equitable Stimulus Formula for Community Colleges

The current CARES Act funding distribution formula short-changes community colleges. To ensure equity for community college students, Congress should use a formula based on head-counts, rather than full-time equivalents to distribute higher education stimulus funding.

2022 Aspen Prize Finalists

The Aspen Institute recently announced the ten finalists for the 2022 Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence.


What jobs and their availability will look like in the wake of COVID-19 is uncertain, but there is little doubt the landscape of employment is changing.

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A new ACCT report describes how community colleges can meet students’ financial needs with improved financial aid and education. The report highlights three colleges implementing the Guardian Money Management for Life program for personal finance and financial empowerment.

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While postsecondary credentials will increase in importance, enrollment may be harder to predict. Conventional wisdom suggests many more adults will return to school while academic disruptions this spring may make traditional student enrollments more unpredictable. Most higher education leaders are unsure whether or not institutions will be fully re-opening in September. The panel discusses approaches and options for the fall.

Bridging K-12 to College Transitions

Academic disruption is likely to exacerbate pipeline leaks at key transition points, and traditionally underserved students are at greatest risk. In the short-term, higher education must rethink summer bridge programs to address summer melt and learning loss.